1924, April 10 – Radio Shoppe and Bainbridge Jewelry Damaged

A fire, which started shortly before 2 am Thursday, in the Radio Shoppe in the basement under the Bainbridge Jewelry Store, completely wrecked the entire establishment, estimated damage $10,000. There was slight smoke damage to the Bainbridge store.

The millinery department in the rear of the jewelry store had considerable smoke damage.

In the Radio Shoppe, the complete line of radio sets and equipment was destroyed together with the soda fountain and confectionery supplies and furnishings. The intense heat of the fire caused the marble counter of the soda fountain to still be hot Thursday morning.

The fire may have started from a cigarette dropped somewhere in the room and a stock of matches kept in the confectionery may have been responsible. However the flames originated in the rear of the room where the radio batteries were kept and it was thought probable that a spark from the batteries may have caused the fire. A gasoline lamp which was previously burning may also have been responsible.

The fire was discovered shortly after the place had been closed for the night. Mgr Arthur Boatright said Thursday that the loss of nearly $10,000 was only partly covered by insurance.

(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at  http://www.marionfire.us/ )

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