1940, February 27 – Campell Drug Store Damaged

A fire which broke out in the prescription room of the Campbell Drug Store at 11:35 pm Monday did damage estimated at upwards of $500. Early discovery of the fire which was reported to fireman by Night Watchman Bert Ellis averted what might have been a disastrous fire. The store had closed and no one was in the building when the fire was discovered. The blaze was believed by Fire Chief Orlie Ing to have originated from a furnace in the back room of the building. It was thought that hot coals from the door of the banked furnace had set fire to boxes stored in the room. The damage was principally to merchandise in the back room although the blaze in one place broke through a partition separating the prescription room from the front room of the drug store. The store was open for business as usual Tuesday.

(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )

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