1898, March 31 – F.M. Westbrook & Co. has fire

Last Friday night, about midnight, fire was discovered in the store of F.M. Westbrook & Co. by Jim and Will Davis, who had just returned from Creal Springs on the sleeper from Paducah.  The boys gave the alarm and soon a crowd of willing fire-fighters was on the scene.

At one time, the entire block was conceded to the flames but good work by the untiring bucket brigade over powered the devouring element and saved the town from great loss.  But for several little “happen sosos” and the valiant work of our unorganized firefighters, five firms would, very probably now be out of business and two families would be without homes, not to mention the unsightly hole that would have been left in beautiful square. As it is the $20,000 stock of F.M. Westbrook & Co.’s is all damaged, more or less by fire, smoke or water.

Dr. Casey’s office furniture is damaged to the amount of $100 and we are slightly scorched.  The iron upper ceiling of the Westbrook store room is all that prevented the flames from playing the devil with our hell box.

The bucket brigade, several of whom risked their lives, to save property deserves much credit.  With others whose property they saved, the Press extends to them its utmost gratitude.

Besides the loss by damage to stock, which is mostly covered by insurance, the Westbrook Co. loses many days of trade which in their case means hundreds of dollars as they are a bustling advertising firm and have a wonderful amount of patronage.  They will soon be open again and will speedily recover from their misfortune for they are built just that way.

(Extracted from the Egyptian Press and compiled by Harry Boyd,  posted at http://www.marionfire.us/ )

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