1942, May 18, – Fire Discovered at Cline-Vick Drug Store

Fire which was discovered in a storage room of the Cline-Vick Drug Store at 8 o’clock Sunday night was extinguished by firemen with damage. The fire started in some waste paper in a section o f the basement under the sidewalk which is separated from the drug store by a brick firewall. Entering the basement room through a door in the sidewalk, firemen soon extinguished the blaze despite the handicap of battling intense smoke which billowed from the basement door for an hour after the fire was out. A large crowd gathered in that section of the Public Square, attracted by the smoke and the fire engine. Customers continued to sip drinks at the soda fountain in the drug store and business was carried on as usual while firemen fought the fire.

(Extracted  from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )

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