1883, January 4 – Well added to Square for Fire Dept.

The well on the north-east corner of the square has been nicely curbed in and the water therefore made accessible for use.  It there was a good well on each of the other three corners of the square the very efficient fire department would have a beneficiary and there would not be such a scarcity of water during the dry summer months.

(Extracted from the Egyptian Press and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us/ )

1877, December 20 – Tobacco Barn Burns

 $6,000 blaze! Our citizens were thrown into a frenzy of excitement on Sat. afternoon last at about 2 o’clock by the cry of “fire!” It was soon discovered that the large tobacco barn of the Messrs. Goodall & Campbell, situated on the north-east corner of Van Buren and Union streets was the seat of the fire. Continue reading