1914 Marion Illinois Merchant Credit Ratings

This report was published in 1914 by R.G. Dun (later to be Dun & Bradstreet). It is titled “Merchants, Tradesman and Manufacturers Financial Condition for Marion, Illinois 1914.” The report lists over 250 Marion merchants and tradesman for that year. If known, it lists their financial strength and gives a credit rating. This guide would have been used to judge whether a businessman would qualify for credit and reflects their financial strength. Continue reading

1913, Marion, Illinois “Opportunity City”

The Marion Development Co. was formed in 1913 by progressive Marion Business and professional men, and was the community’s Chamber of Commerce of that day. It continued until July, 1916 when World War I which had enveloped Europe was threatening to involve the United States, and preparedness in this country was taking first place in demands upon the public’s thinking and investment capital. Continue reading

Historic Architecture of Marion

A brochure reflecting the architectural style and history of several of Marion’s homes, business and civic buildings. This brochure was created at the College of Technical Careers, Quigley Computer Graphics Laboratory, Southern Illinois University. Funding was provided by the Greater Marion Area Chamber of Commerce, Williamson County Tourism Council, City of Mairon, Illinois.

View Historic Architecture of Marion Here