Fifty Years of Service to Marion, Illinois

Bob Butler new confOne of the platforms Mayor Robert L. Butler ran on in that first election in 1963 was a promise to take care of Marion’s chronic flooding  problem. It was to his advantage that just before the primary, the town’s streets filled with water after a storm. Water was four feet deep at the four-way stop and much of the city was drenched. Continue reading

Hartwell, Dausa D. 1878-1947


Dausa Dow Hartwell was born on October 7, 1878 near Johnston City, Illinois. His parents were John L.D. Hartwell and Nancy Elizabeth Hartwell. Hartwell had completed his medical education and was practicing under the tutelage of Dr. Alonzo Baker in 1900. He lived with Dr. Baker’s family in Grassy Precinct on the west side of the county. Continue reading