1950, Doctor Baker’s Wonderful Pocketknife

During our recent ramble in the field of medical science we have thought now and then of Dr. G.J. Baker, the family doctor of our youth, and his wonderful pocket knife.

Doc Griff” Baker, who delivered all three of the Felts boys and wrestled them through most of the diseases of childhood plus a siege of typhoid, was Mother’s first cousin. Day or night, rain or shine, he came on foot, carrying a little black bag in his hand and wearing a leather medicine case slung by a strap from his shoulder. Once he arrived everybody felt better. Continue reading

Baker, Dr. Griffin J. 1870-1925, Baker and Baker

Mary Lee Baker 1929Dr. Griffin Jonathon Baker was born March 14, 1870, in Grassy Precinct, Williamson County, Illinois, among the spurs of the Ozarks.  He is the son of Dr. Alonzo P. Baker and Martha Jane Matheney, and nephew of his namesake, G.J. Baker. Sr., M.D. of Anna, Illinois.

He comes of a family of physicians of good reputation, and widely known for their professional skills. Very naturally he took to “the healing art” as a duck to water, and his education was intended to prepare him for that noble profession. Continue reading